28 March, 2013

{this memory} 76

This is the story behind last Monday's {this moment}.

I was a very young child when this "official" photo was taken. It is my father's birthday, and he's cutting the cake in the wardroom of the USS Minos. He was captain.

So what are my memories? I am reminded that my father grew up so poor that he never had a birthday cake until my mother made him one early in their marriage. In spite of that humble beginning, he enlisted in the Navy and managed to rise to the level of senior officer, very unusual. Although his education was minimal (no college), he obviously was quite intelligent. He was also an officer and a gentleman of the first order. I don't think I ever heard him raise his voice or offer a hurtful word.

On some military web sites, I posted queries asking anyone who served under my father to contact me. I heard from only one. He said he didn't really know my father since he was seaman and my father was the captain, but what he remembered was that it was a happy ship and crew. Of course. It was a nice compliment to know the crew liked and respected him.

I am filled with wonderful memories and am a most fortunate man.